Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Perfect White Rice

Being that my husband is of Latin decent we have rice a lot (except when he low carbs). This means, I have had a lot of experience and practice with making my own version of perfect white rice (shown to me by my Panamanian mother in law). If you have a pot like mine that doesn't have a tight fitting lid (my lid is a little bent and it lets all the steam escape) then the trick is to use a towel between the lid and pot. If you have a great, tight fitting lid then a towel is not needed. Here is a pic of how the towel looks on the pot. If you have to do this, make sure to wrap the towel up around the lid because you don't want your towel to catch fire.

* 2 cups White Rice
* 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 garlic clove, minced
* 4 cups water


Heat a heavy pan, add oil and garlic until you can just smell the garlic. Add rice and stir until all pieces of rice become shiny with the oil. Add water and salt and bring to a boil. Once rice comes to a boil, stir and place lid on pan. Do not lift lid to check on rice! Rice should be ready in about 20-25 minutes and should have little holes on the top (as if someone poked holes in the top of the rice). Serve and enjoy!



  1. My blog reader is still not updating me on your posts...grrr!

    I like the odea of using a kitchen towel if your lid is not airtight- great tip.

  2. Amber, thank you so much for visiting my blog. This is my first time here and I love the homey-simplcity of your style. That's what I love about certain blogs. Not the fru-fru stuff. I love down-home cooking and yours brings that to the forefront. Great job.

  3. Thanks guys! -I wonder why that is happening Monica? I have the same issue with one of my friend's blogs. I've deleted her and readded her but still have that issue...

    Teresa-thanks! I like your blog too. I can't wait to start trying your recipes. Mexican food is one of my favorite cuisines and your recipes all look great!

  4. mmm, that does sound perfect! we love rice at our house too!

  5. I'll definately have to try this. I love rice.


  6. I've never been able to make sticky white rice! I've never tried your method though, it looks promising! Your rice looks great!!
