Thursday, October 22, 2009

Changed blog name ...tell me if you like it!

I was because I felt like I hardly ever cooked...or really had the time to cook. Since I've been documenting what I am making it turns out I actually cook very often! I thought I needed a new name...something that reflected more of who I am. I came up with Nothing too creative or fancy...I am just a soccer mom living in the suburbs of DC so I think this fits my cooking style. Tell me if you like it..any suggestions...good or bad..I can take it! :-)

Should I change it back or keep it..or think of something more creative?

THANK u SO much for your feedback! :-)


  1. I like your new name! At first I wasn't sure if I was on the right site but then I saw your picture!

  2. lol...thanks...I tried to put a food related picture...and that was the only one I could with a lemon in my mouth. I will have to take a new one soon.

  3. I like "Amber Cooks" but I like "Cooking in Suburbia" too!! I am a huge Green Day fan so it makes me think of the song Jesus of Suburbia, lol

  4. I like both names, just le tme know if you change again so I can update my RSS feeds. LOL :-)
